
the metric system...

the metric system sucks when you have to measure your weight in kilos.. and yeah if your weight happens to be a three digit number.

this colleague of mine and I joined up the gym at our workplace.
he was like.. 'dude whats your weight'
i'm like.. 'i'm not telling'
'neither am I..'
And then we each get on to a tradmill. these are not those cheap ones where you can get away with not entering your weight. No sir, this one will not even start unless you enter your wight. So we get on and-
'beep beep beep'
and we grin at each other sheepishly.
wtf, if we used pounds then almost everyones weight would be in 3 digits. people would look at you abnormally if only two beeps came out when youre on the treadmill - 'dude, wtf do you need to workout on a treadmill'

recently a couple of friends and I were on a conference call. we were discussing health and us growing old, when one of the chaps had to go away for a second. this other guy asks me what my wight was. and before i could answer the second guy comes back and listens in. he's not heard what the question is.
I am like '...'
the second guy says 'dude, you're having high fever. you should sleep a while'
and the third guy is like 'dude that's his f$%*(ng weight, not temperature'
and then they go down memory lane recalling my apetite etc.